A food truck is a large vehicle or trailer, equipped to storage, transport, cook, prepare, serve, and/or sell food. The food truck trend has blow up in Australia over the last 10 years, and many owners and newcomers to the food truck industry are unaware of the fire safety requirements. This article helps food truck manufacturers and owners comply with both fire extinguisher selection and fire extinguisher maintenance for food trucks.
A vessel is the generic term that describes a range of seagoing watercraft such as; ship, boat, tug, yacht, runabout, etc for the transport of people or goods on water. Legislation exists across Australia that provides for fire fighting equipment such as portable fire extinguishers and fire blankets on board vessels.
According to the Australian Dangerous Goods Code 2020 every road vehicle such as trucks transporting a placard load of dangerous goods must be equipped with at least one fire extinguisher and must be mounted securely by means of a quick-release attachment and located so as to be readily accessible for use.
There are no statutory (legal) requirements for a portable fire extinguisher in a family car (or work car) such as a sedan, hatchback, utility (ute). That said for a small investment you can install a fire extinguisher for emergency purposes in the vehicle such as within the passenger compartment or boot for easy access and use.
A caravan is a popular investment for Australian families to enable us to travel and explore our wide brown land. A caravan may be one of the most expensive a family purchases after their home and family car, so it stands to reason that a small investment in high quality fire safety comprising a portable fire extinguisher and a fire blanket is a great investment in life safety and asset protection.
A motorhome may well be the second most expensive a family purchases after their home, so it stands to reason that a small investment in high quality fire safety comprising a portable fire extinguisher, fire blanket and a smoke alarm is a great investment in life safety and asset protection.
A dry chemical powder fire extinguisher is regarded as the best multi-purpose fire extinguisher and considered the best type of fire extinguisher for your car, utility, work van 4wd or truck. The multi-purpose description comes from the fact that a dry chemical powder (DCP) is available with either a a Class B and Class E rating or an optional Class A, Class B and Class E rating is also available.