Australian Standard AS1851:2012 outlines the routine servicing requirements fire protection systems and equipment, including portable and wheeled fire extinguishers.
The Standard specifies the frequencies (intervals) at which fire extinguishers should be inspected and maintained, as well as the procedures to be followed during the inspection and maintenance process.
The routine servicing of portable & wheeled fire extinguishers offered by Firewize includes a range of services to ensure that your fire extinguishers are in good working order, including visual inspections, pressure testing, refilling, and replacement of damaged or expired components.
Regular maintenance of fire extinguishers is important to ensure that they are effective when needed.
By adhering to the Australian Standard AS1851:2012, you can be assured that your fire extinguishers are being maintained to the highest standard, and that they will be ready to use keeping people and buildings safe from fire.
If you are looking for a quotation for your portable or wheeled fire extinguisher service, we need certain information to help us give you a quote. In many cases this information may be readily available to you and includes the following three pieces of information;
We can work with even less information (just the quantity of fire extinguishers you have), however we may not be in a position to provide you a full quotation.
Based on this information we are very likely able to provide you a quotation for your routine (six-monthly or yearly) service.
Where an extinguisher requires to be discharged and refilled (water extinguishers with additives, such as a corrosion inhibitor) we can provide you a quotation, only if we know how many of this type of fire extinguisher type you may have.
Australian Standard AS 1851 requires all portable fire extinguishers to be fitted with a service tag or label that indicates the date (month and year) of the last service. The service tag or label must be prominently fixed, visible and readily accessible to the fire extinguisher. The service tag or label serves as a permanent record of service.
The service performed on fire hydrant valves, lay flat hose, hose reels, fire extinguishers, fire blankets, which shall be etched, embossed, stamped or indelibly marked on the tag or label in the space corresponding to the year and month in which the service was performed, with a figure representing the activity, as follows:
A dot ⚫ on a label or a hole in a tag represents a three-monthly inspection (only applies to equipment in adverse (harsh) operating environments.
The number 1️⃣ on the service tag or label represents a six-monthly routine service activity;
The number 2️⃣ on the service tag or label represents a yearly routine service activity;
The number 3️⃣ on the service tag or label represents a three-yearly routine service activity for stored pressure water fire extinguishers with corrosion inhibitors or freezing point depressants.
The number 4️⃣ on the service tag or label represents the five-yearly routine service activity, often referred to as the hydrostatic pressure test.
The number 5️⃣ on the service tag or label represents recharged after use as applicable for certain stored pressure water fire extinguishers with corrosion inhibitors or freezing point depressants.
At the conclusion of the service of the portable fire extinguishers, a service person must prepare a supporting hardcopy summary record include a register of the equipment on the premises, a statement of the service performed and details
of missing or defective items as set out in Clause 1.16.5 (Summary Record) of the Standard.