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Combustible Liquid

combustible liquid according to According to Australian Standard AS 1940 and the globally harmonised system for the classification and labelling of chemicals (GHS) is any liquid, other than a flammable liquid, that has a flash point, and a fire point less than its boiling point. Combustible liquids are divided into two classes:

  • Class C1: a combustible liquid that has a closed cup flashpoint of greater than 60 °C but less than 93 °C.
  • Class C2: a combustible liquid that has a flashpoint exceeding 93°C or has been excluded from being a flammable liquid by any of the criteria for sustaining combustion.

Australian Standard AS 1940–2017 – The storage and handling of flammable and combustible liquids, sets out requirements and recommendations for the safe storage and handling of flammable liquids of dangerous goods, as well as the requirements and recommendations for the storage and handling of combustible liquids.


    In preparing this definition, we have drawn from various sources including Legislation, Codes, Standards and industry information, research and knowledge.  Like the english language, these definitions may subtly change from time to time. As such these definitions are provided solely on the basis that users will be responsible for making their own assessment of the definition and and are advised to verify all relevant representations, statements and information.