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Aspirating Smoke Detector

  1. Aspirating Smoke Detector Filters

    An Aspirating Smoke Detector ("ASD") is an electromechanical device and type of active smoke detection that draws air in through a network of pipes through a filter and into a sensing chamber to detect smoke. The smoke sensing chamber of an aspirating smoke detector is a nephelometer, a device that measures the reflection and refraction of particles (including smoke) in air from a light beam. The filter in an aspirating smoke detector removes large airborne particles leaving smoke and smaller particles to enter the smoke sensing chamber.

  2. VESDA LaserPlus & LaserCompact Discontinued

    Xtralis alert customers that the VESDA LaserCompact ("VLC") and LaserPlus ("VLP") will retire from December 31, 2019. There will be two years official support after this date. Building and asset owners should consider options if they are considering the installation of a new VLC or VLP. Xtralis offer a compatible alternative from the VESDA-E range.