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  1. Photoluminescent Exit Signs

    The Australian Building Codes Board (“ABCB”) is a body established by the Council of Australian Governments (“COAG”) to address issues relating to safety, health, amenity and sustainability in the design and performance of buildings through the National Construction Code (“NCC”) (the Code).

  2. What is a Maintenance Schedule? (Victoria)

    The Building Regulations (Vic) 2018 sets out the requirements for the owner of a building or place of public entertainment to prepare a maintenance schedule. A maintenance schedule is a document, in a form approved by the Victorian Building Authority ("VBA") prepared by the municipal building surveyor ("MBS") or a private building surveyor ("PBS") that details the required essential safety measures in a building (Regulation 222) and their respective maintenance requirements.

  3. What is the Date Stamp on Portable Fire Extinguishers

    When a portable fire extinguisher is manufactured it is typically labelled or stamped with a date of manufacture. This label or stamp can then be used as the basis for calculating the date the extinguisher (a pressure vessel) needs to be pressure tested.

  4. Alarm Signalling Equipment

    In Victoria, Alarm Signalling Equipment ("ASE") is an item of equipment leased by the Building Owner from a Monitoring Service Provider that provides the interface between an Automatic Fire Sprinkler System or a Fire Detection & Alarm System to the Automatic Fire Alarm Service Provider (“AFASP”), via Emergency Services Telecommunications Authority (“ESTA”) and finally to the relevant Fire Brigade.

  5. Nuisance Alarms

    According to the Melbourne Metropolitan Fire Brigade a false alarm (nuisance alarm) is "A false alarm occurs when the MFB attends an incident to find there is no emergency and there is no need for their fire fighting skills or other expertise. Most automatic fire alarm systems are a legal requirement, or have been installed to provide fire safety, and it is essential they operate efficiently at all times."

  6. Zone Block Plan Requirements (Fire Alarm)

    This article describes the requirements for Zone Block Plans for Fire Detection, Alarm & Emergency Warning Systems in Buildings. There are an array of Standards that cover this requirement over time, so we hope to summarise the requirements, making it easier for everyone.

  7. What is a Solenoid Valve?

    A solenoid valve is an electromechanically operated valve. It is typically used within fire protection as part of a flow switch arrangement to test for the presence of water within an automatic fire sprinkler system.

  8. How does a automatic fire sprinkler head work?

    An automatic fire sprinkler system head is a valve, that when the temperature sensitive bulb reaches its predetermined fixed temperature, expands, breaks and then allows the free flow flow of water.

  9. Smoke Detectors

    The fourth instalment of the Principles of Fire Safety series looks at smoke, gas and flame detectors. Again, research and development has continued to improve well established detection technologies and provided an array of new technologies to improve fire detection while also being less susceptible to the causes of false alarms.

  10. Healthcare / Hospital Emergency Colour Codes

    Hospitals are required to develop an emergency procedures manual which covers the a range of emergencies. There are two primary Australian Standards that provide a framework for developing emergency procedures in hospitals. In this article we discuss the colour codes as they apply in Australia.