- Tactical Fire Plan
A tactical fire plan is a scale drawing (typically 1:100 or 1:200) of a building or structure that. is sufficiently detailed to incorporate colour coded elements to illustrate the location and type of fire safety systems and equipment. The primary objective of a tactical fire plan is to illustrate obvious features in the building, in particular;
- location of a fire control room or centre;
- first attack fire fighting equipment such as portable fire extinguishers, fire hose reels and fire hydrant valves;
- paths of egress;
- fire isolated stairways, ramps and passageways
- mechanical ventilation and air-handling systems
- emergency lights and exit signs;
- fire resisting elements and compartments;
- the location of control and indicating equipment where fitted;
- fire detection and alarm system
- emergency warning system
- fire fan control panel
- towns mains, fire water pumps and static water supplies;
- electrical risers, switchboards, substations and standby power equipment;
- fuel supplies;
- special risk areas, such as biological hazards, laboratories, chemical storage, etc.