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Refers to a product listed for fire protection duty by an internationally recognized testing laboratory or approval body such as;

  1. A register of accredited products is issued by the CSIRO ActivFire Scheme.
  2. The following are examples of internationally recognized testing laboratories or approval bodies:
    1. Factory Mutual Insurance Company (FM Global).
    2. Underwriters Laboratories (UL).
    3. Loss Prevention Council (LPC).
    4. Verband der Schadenverhütung (VdS).



    In preparing this definition, we have drawn from various sources including Legislation, Codes, Standards and industry information, research and knowledge.  Like the english language, these definitions may subtly change from time to time. As such these definitions are provided solely on the basis that users will be responsible for making their own assessment of the definition and and are advised to verify all relevant representations, statements and information.