- Fire Systems Certification (FPAS) ("FSC")
Fire Systems Certification ("FSC") is an accreditation class within the the Fire Protection Accreditation Scheme ("FPAS") that accredits individuals who perform certification activities relating to Automatic Fire Sprinkler Systems, Fire Hydrant Systems, Fire Hose Reel Systems and Fire Detection and Alarm Systems.
The definition covering the scope of activities for 'fire systems certification' work includes:
- Inspecting and assessing installed systems and equipment for compliance with the approved design whilst having regard to:
- applicable legislation, codes and standards;
- variations or specific requirements of approval authorities;
- the system design documentation;
- commissioning tests and approval documentation;
- manufacturer's specifications and product compliance documentation.
- Preparing an inspection report and certificate of compliance for the installed fire systems and equipment, declaring that the system is installed in accordance with the approved design and will operate and perform as per the approved design. The activities for the 'Fire Systems Certification' class include:
- reviewing and analysing the design and installed/constructed system to ensure it fulfils the fire systems design and performance standards required;
- verifying that the design solution and products do meet design/installation requirements;
- verifying that the system products and equipment are constructed and installed in accordance with finalised design documentation and are 'fit for purpose';
- checking the commissioning procedure and performance results that validate the system performance to required standards; and
- checking that the documented evidence confirms that the system meets all design and future maintenance criteria so that certification of the system can be issued.