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Fire Suppression System

Fire Suppression System

A fire suppression system (also known as a special hazard system) is a type of active fire protection equipment used for structure fire protection, equipment and vehicle fire protection. There are numerous types of fire suppression systems, however all types can be distilled down into three categories;

  • automatic sprinkler systems (including water mist and foam systems);
  • gaseous agent extinguishing system;
  • chemical agent extinguishing systems.

Special hazards systems are typically installed for asset protection purposes instead of life safety.

Australian Standards for Fire Suppression Systems

Standard Title Description
AS 3772 Pre-engineered fire protection systems for cooking equipment Australian Standard AS 3772  sets out requirements for the design, installation commissioning and maintenance of pre-engineered fire protection systems for the protection of unenclosed cooking appliances that produce grease-laden vapours and which may have an open surface of cooking oil or fat. This Standard also applies to the grease removal devices, hood exhaust plenums, exhaust systems, ducts and filters associated with such appliances.
AS 4214 Gaseous fire extinguishing systems Australian Standard AS 4214 is based on ISO 14520, series of Standards, Gaseous media fire-extinguishing systems — Physical properties and system design, Parts 1 to 15  provides designers and installers with minimum requirements for the design, installation, testing and commissioning of gaseous fire extinguishing systems for structures, building and plant.
AS 4487 Condensed aerosol fire extinguishing systems Australian Standard AS 4487 sets out the requirements for the design, installation, testing, commissioning and safety requirements for condensed aerosol fire fighting systems in buildings, plants or other structures. The characteristics of condensed aerosol extinguishing agents and types of fire for which they are a suitable extinguishing medium are also specified.
AS 4587 Water mist fire protection system Australian Standard AS 4587 sets out minimum requirements and recommendations for the design, installation and commissioning of water mist fire protection systems and describes the characteristics of the various types of water mist systems and the types of fire for which they are a suitable control, extinguishing or suppression medium. The objective of this Standard is to provide users of water mist fire protection systems with minimum design, installation, testing and commissioning requirements for water mist systems using either closed or open nozzles.
AS 6183 Fire protection equipment - Carbon dioxide extinguishing systems Australian Standard AS 6183 is an adoption with national modifications and has been reproduced from ISO 6183:2009, Fire protection equipment—Carbon dioxide extinguishing systems for use on premises—Design and installation, and has been varied as indicated to take account of Australian conditions. The objective of the Standard is to set out the requirements and recommendations for the design, installation, testing and safety of carbon dioxide fire fighting systems.



    In preparing this definition, we have drawn from various sources including Legislation, Codes, Standards and industry information, research and knowledge.  Like the english language, these definitions may subtly change from time to time. As such these definitions are provided solely on the basis that users will be responsible for making their own assessment of the definition and and are advised to verify all relevant representations, statements and information.