- Emergency Warning and Intercom System ("EWIS")
An Emergency Warning and Intercom System or Emergency Warning and Intercommunication System ("EWIS") is a type of warning system and integrated emergency intercom system required to safeguard occupants from injury being made aware of an emergency in a building in the event of a fire or other emergency1, and to manage the evacuation process2. These systems are typically designed and installed with respect to Australian Standard AS 1670.4 – Emergency warning and intercom systems, system design, installation and commissioning.
An emergency warning and intercommunication system is typically two systems typically housed in a cabinet. The two components include;
- Emergency Warning System; and an
- Emergency Intercom System.
An emergency warning system comprises control and indicating equipment including one or more amplifiers wired to a series of loudspeakers or visual warning devices distributed throughout the building. The speakers are arranged to that the warning signals (alert and evacuate) are distinctly audible and to ensure that the required A-Weighted prescribed sound pressure level can be achieved.
An emergency intercom system is a type of one to one or one to many local communication system to enable local communication between the host (usually the Chief Warden) at the emergency warning system control and indicating equipment ("ewcie") and a remote warden intercom phone (usually a warden, also known as a floor warden or area warden).