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A bund is an embankment or wall of brick, stone, concrete or other impervious material, which forms the perimeter and floor of a compound and provides a barrier to retain a liquid.

Since the bund is the main part of a spill containment system, the whole system (or bunded area) is colloquially referred to as the ‘bund’.

Bunds should be designed to contain spillages and leaks of liquids used, stored or processed above ground and to facilitate clean-up operations, as well as being used to prevent pollution of the receiving environment, bunds are also used for fire protection, product recovery and process isolation.


    In preparing this definition, we have drawn from various sources including Legislation, Codes, Standards and industry information, research and knowledge.  Like the english language, these definitions may subtly change from time to time. As such these definitions are provided solely on the basis that users will be responsible for making their own assessment of the definition and and are advised to verify all relevant representations, statements and information.