Australian Standard AS1851:2012 (A1) sets out the requirements for the routine servicing of fire protection systems and equipment in buildings. A yearly condition report is a statement by fire protection maintenance contractors that they have undertaken the routine servicing of the nominated fire protection systems and equipment in accordance with the relevant section of the Standard. Contractors are required to prepare a report (yearly) that states the following;
I confirm that the system referred to above has been regularly inspected, tested, maintained and surveyed, where applicable, to Section XX of AS 1851 as per attached system activity reports for the period XX/XX/XXXX. With the exception of items detailed below in ‘system defects’, the system has been found to be functioning correctly and is generally in accordance with the approved design.
The Yearly Condition Report is required to be completed yearly on or around the anniversary of the date listed on the Occupancy Permit or Maintenance Schedule (Victoria).
In addition as being referenced in Appendix E of the Standard, the Yearly Condition Report is also referenced in the Standard in Section 1 as follows;
1.5.21 Yearly condition report
A report prepared annually for the responsible entity, which summarizes the routine service activities, records operational status, notes defects and non-conformances and confirms that the installed fire protection systems and equipment generally accord with the approved design (see Clause 1.17.2).
Figure 1.7 also provides an illustration of the relationship of the Yearly Condition Report to the routine servicing of the fire protection systems and equipment in the building as well as its complementary relationship to an annual compliance statement as may be prescribed in each state within Australia. The following mandatory statements are required in each state or territory;
Maintenance of essential safety measures in Victoria is mandatory for the safe occupation of buildings. Firewize helps discerning building owners, managers and occupiers of buildings maintain fire safety systems and equipment, keeping occupants safe from fire.
The Yearly Condition Report must be prepared by the contractor engaged by the responsible entity such as the Building Owner of the Agent of the Owner to undertake the routine servicing.
Where only one contractor has been engaged for all for all fire protection systems and equipment then that contractor must prepare the one Yearly Condition Report corresponding to each fire protection systems or equipment covered by the Standard or one statement covering all sections of the Standard for which they are responsible.
Where two or more contractors have been engaged for different sections of the Standard then each contractor shall prepare a Yearly Condition Report corresponding to each section of the Standard for which they have been engaged.
Contractor A has been engaged to undertake the routine servicing of the automatic fire sprinkler system, fire detection & alarm system, portable fire extinguishers and the fire doors within the building.The contractor is then responsible for preparing a Yearly Condition Report that states the following;
I confirm that the system referred to above has been regularly inspected, tested, maintained and surveyed, where applicable sections of AS 1851 as per attached system activity reports for the period 1/1/2019 to 31/12/2019 (12 Months). With the exception of items detailed as ‘system defects’, the system has been found to be functioning correctly and is generally in accordance with the approved design.;
- Section 2 - Automatic Fire Sprinkler Systems
- Section 6 - Fire Detection & Alarm System
- Section 10 - Portable Fire Extinguishers
- Section 12 - Passive Fire & Smoke Systems (Fire Doors)
If your a building owner or the agent of an owner, you should ask for and expect to receive a copy of the Yearly Condition Report from your fire protection systems and equipment maintenance provider.
The production of this report along with a list of the non-conformances and defects for your building should be a relatively trivial exercise to produce.